Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome Gavin!

My little sister Anne just had her second baby--a little boy they named Gavin Milo! Welcome to the family, little Gavin. You have the sweetest mom! And your big sister Cailey and your Dad are great too.

Nice work, Anne! John, good backup.

Awww, he's so cute!

I might need to call you Milo. Whenever I think of Gavin, I think of Gavin McCloud who played Captain Steubing on the Love Boat. Let's meet for hor'duerves on the Leto Deck. And there's also Gavin somebody who was my 9th grade prom date. But I know the name will belong to you as soon as I get to know you!


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Tina said...

You Fye women sure do birth beautiful babies! I'm sure your sister's kiddies are as fab as yours...if that's possible!!!