Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Fall in Mississippi

I love the Fall in Mississippi! The weather is cool, the humidity is gone, the air is fresh! The kids had a four-day weekend, which was really nice. We just played outside. Bill had a great weekend in China, and we can't wait to hear all about his trip when he gets home.

Why is a hot dog so much better when it's cooked over a fire? Although many marshmallows met a firey death, I tried to teach the kids the fine art of browning their marshmallows to perfection.

Max uses the forks as weapons. Hannah is afraid.

We love our kids! They are so fun and funny! I look at this picture, and I want to freeze this moment in time.

I'm happy to report, no injuries resulted from the following stunts.

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Tanner Family Blog said...

Oh man - I love these pictures but it only bums me out that we are not all together!!! Those are the days that I miss!!!!
If we had been there.....
Truman would have walked through the fire and we would have ended up in the ER, Grace would have led the group in a song around the campfire, and Lucy would have crawled all around eating the leaves!
We miss you
ps look at safely gathered in

Lisa said...

Man - we miss Oxford and all you folks out there! It looks like fun to jump in all those leaves. Your kids are getting so big and look so happy - you must be doing something right (or bribing them for all the pictures)