Our Max turned 12 years old last week! It is quite a milestone. Max is one of my favorite people in the world. He is always happy, he has a great sense of humor, he's not moody, he's very helpful, and he is such a kind-hearted kid! I don't think he has ever woken up in a bad mood. I thank him for that. Max was ordained a deacon and was made first counselor in the Deacon's Quorem. It was so tender to see him pass into this new part of his life! We are so proud of him. He is soooo excited to be in Young Men's now! We gave him a blazer for his birthday, and it was his favorite present. He kept wanting to wear his "tux" (without a shirt) because it is smooth and silky inside.
Hannah stayed up late the night before his birthday and filled up balloons. She almost passed out. I'm still finding little pieces of balloon everywhere.
Max and his friends went to the movies, then came and spent the night. And just to be clear, boys are loud and wild and have no impulse control.
Shinanagans galore.
The Pratts gave Max a tricked-out rocket. Bill, the rocket scientist, spent all morning trying to launch. Finally, we had lift-off. It was awesome.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
MAX IS 12!!!
Posted by alisafye at 12:53 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Rach!
Today is my sister Rachel's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I wish I was there to...ceeeelebrate good times, c'mon!
On this day, I pay tribute to Rachel for being:
A best friend,
A fashion consultant,
A therapist,
Someone my kids LOVE,
A fountain of pop culture knowlege,
A light at the end of the tunnel,
A safe place,
A great mother,
A constant support.
My friend describes Rachel by saying that when she smiles, the sun comes out.
Happy Birthday, Rach!
Posted by alisafye at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day
Since Bill is in China, the kids were in charge of Mother's Day. They wanted to go to Walmart and buy me presents, so I told them to go find the things they wanted to give me, and we would meet at the cash registers where I wouldn't look, but I would give them the debit card to make their purchases.
Here is what they brought:
Max: The DVD Pirates of the Carribean, 3. (He said I have told him this is one of my favorite movies.) And a Cinnabon-scented candle.
Charlotte: The CD from the Hannah Montana movie, and glamorous earrings.
Henry: I saw Henry talking to the lady at the "fine jewelry" counter. He was trying to purchase a diamond encrusted gold locket. I thanked him, but said I don't need such an extravagant gift. In the end, he bought a king-sized Payday bar, and a balloon with roses inside it (pictured above).
Hannah was exempt from the shopping spree because she is gave me the gift of cleaning the house all week, making the Mother's Day dinner, and she painted me a beautiful picture.
It was a great Mother's Day! I love those kids!
Posted by alisafye at 12:43 PM 3 comments
St. Louis
Hannah's choir group went to St. Louis last week, and thanks to the Pratts who watched our kids (Bill is STILL in China), I could go as chaperone. It was so fun! They sang right under the Arch. We went on a riverboat cruise for lunch. The river was flooding, so our boat was the last to go out.
We rode up in the little pods that take you to the top of the Arch where you can look out these little windows.
The next day we went to Six Flags. Hannah and her friends went on every big ride. This is the one that drops you into a free-fall. Blagh.
Posted by alisafye at 12:24 PM 1 comments